与医生一起庆祝医生周. Milind Dhond

2022年3月- 29


一个庆祝的采访 Dr. 米琳·霍德博士他是澳门博彩试玩送彩金的心脏病专家. 

我是米尔·赫德. 我是一名住在加州戴维斯的心脏病专家. I see people with heart conditions, abnormal rhythms, heart failure, and coronary disease. I come up every two weeks to do clinics and studies with patients in Quincy and Graeagle, 然后我就回戴维斯. In addition to this, I have a regular practice at a district hospital in Fairfield, California. I am also a professor at UC Davis and I teach there once a month.

How did you first hear about our community, and Plumas District Hospital?

我是英国人. After I finished my training in cardiology from UC Davis, I needed a green card. This required a rural area job, which was actually in Portola. Initially, there was not enough work at the hospital in Portola. 所以,我联系了Dr. 杰夫·凯普尔,大约23年前, “你知道, 我将在这里工作3-5年, do you want a cardiologist to come to Plumas District Hospital once a week?” So I came here and began setting up cardiac services, including new echo machines and treadmills. 我本来每周来一次的, 五年后我拿到了绿卡, 我觉得我很喜欢在这里工作. 尽管我搬去了戴维斯, I said I would keep coming here every few weeks and I’ve been doing that for Seventeen years.


The initial reason was the requirement for the green card. 拿到绿卡后,我可以说再见了! But, I discovered that I actually quite liked the area, and I found a feeling of well-being here. 当我在这里的时候,感觉很奇怪. The clinic and work is very busy, but I have the feeling of relaxation. Rather than having the stress of living in the city, I have a natural peace when driving here. 这就是我不断回来的原因. 人也不同. 这里的人一般都比较正派. 在这里工作有一种家常的感觉. The thing about rural medicine is normally the more you work somewhere the more homely it is, 因为你认识每个人. 有一种熟悉的感觉. The people here are nice, the staff are nice, so it’s easy to work here.


I really like the natural beauty of the area actually, and the fact that it is quiet. If you go to Tahoe, there is natural beauty, but there is also like 10 million people there! 而昆西是个偏僻的地方. Whenever I tell people I am going to Quincy, or Graeagle, they are like “where?” So you have the natural beauty, with the quietness, and not the crowds.

你一直在从戴维斯到昆西的路上, 十七年, 在所有季节, 包括雪和雨. Can you describe a close call that you had during one of your commutes?

There was one time that 70 and 80 was closed due to a snowstorm, 我决定选162, (Bucks Lake Highway) not realizing the conditions from Oroville to Bucks Lake. Even though I had 4 wheel drive, my car sank in a snow drift. Then I had to walk for about three hours and was even stalked by a mountain lion at one point. I fortunately ran into snow mobilers who took me down to Bucks Lake. They told me my car was going to be there for the entire winter. 谢天谢地,警长来救我了. 我看见他,他说"嘿"然后我也说"嘿!“警长碰巧是我的一个病人. 然后他用一辆雪车把我的车拖了出来. It was fortunate; otherwise, I would have been trapped.

How would you describe what you do to someone who is unfamiliar with cardiology?

Cardiology is primarily a medical specialty that overlaps with procedures. There is a lot of technology involved, like ultrasound, pacemakers, arthroplasty, and defibrillators. It is a very interesting field where you look at all aspects of heart function. The only thing that a cardiologist does not do is open-heart surgery. Otherwise, all other aspects of cardiac disease are dealt with by a cardiologist. Electrical disturbances, blockages in the heart, heart failure, are examples. 心脏是一个非常简单的器官. There are only so many things that can go wrong with the heart.

Out of all the disciplines in medicine, what drew you to practice Cardiology?

Cardiology is a field that has many procedures, which are something that I enjoy. 你不是一直都在诊所. There is mental stress and reward that comes with procedures, because it is such a technical field. In addition to this, Cardiology is a field of very rapid advancement. For example, I do procedures now that were not invented when I completed my initial training. I am also involved in research and innovation in Fairfield and UC Davis. It’s in these ways that Cardiology keeps me interested.


医疗保健分配的不平等. Some of the more challenging situations are when I am trying to get medications for patients, but the cost of the medicine is so prohibitively high. Another challenging situation is if they do not have insurance, 他们需要做测试或研究. 这有时会成为医学上的问题. I know this because I trained and worked in a national health system, 在英格兰, 四年来, 在公平和获得医疗服务不是问题的地方.

What do you find rewarding about your work as a Cardiologist?

The work up here that I find rewarding is looking after people for many years where you almost know them like a family member. 你们能明白我的心情? I have three kids and patients would ask about my “new” baby, and now my baby is going to college. You have the privilege of following people for a long period of time and looking after them through all phases of their life. 
An example was, on my 50th birthday, I was actually here in Plumas County. The friends that I stay with in Graeagle took me out to dinner at Cuccias. 我认识那家餐馆里的每一个人. 他们都过来祝贺我,跟我打招呼. 这在其他任何地方都不会发生.

Dr. Dhond, thank you so much for your commitment to our community. 快乐医生周!

了解更多澳门博彩试玩送彩金博士. Milind Dhond.






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